Why You Should Have an Attorney for Venture Capital Issues

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Why You Should Have an Attorney for Venture Capital IssuesWhen it comes to the business world, venture capital is in a category all its own. You need to approach it with the right strategy; if not, you could have huge issues on your hands. That is why you want to have Chicago Illinois business lawyers on your side at Anthony J. Madonia & Associates.

Term Sheet Negotiations

Venture capital has term sheets for every major deal. This involves both the startup company and the investor signing to agree to different terms. However, this is not always as easy as it sounds. There can be small print in the contract that you need a professional to look at in depth.

Trademarks, Copyright, and Patents

You might think that no one else has your name. However, you should know that many other companies have made the mistake of thinking the same thing. They thought that they would be fine, only to find out they didn’t file different paperwork correctly.

Protection from Litigation

No matter what kind of startup you have, there is someone out there who could sue you. People will find ways to bring you to court when you start seeing success. Without a pro legal team, you’ll be swimming upstream and having more difficulties than you can handle with the court process.

If you are in the startup world as a founder or as a venture capitalist, then you need to protect yourself legally as much as possible. That is why having a great attorney is key. Anthony J. Madonia & Associates are your trusted Chicago Illinois business lawyers for your venture capital needs. Our years of business experience allows us to guide you in the right ways to prevent problems and achieve better outcomes as you look to grow your investment. Contact our office to schedule a case consultation.