As professionals engaged in the provision of legal services to clients worldwide, Anthony J. Madonia & Associates is committed to protecting the privacy of confidential and personal Information. This includes information that directly or indirectly identifies individuals who may be clients, staff, agents, lawyers, law students, job applicants or others inside or outside the firm. It is the policy of our firm to comply with the rules of professional conduct, which impose a duty to preserve and protect confidential client information, upon lawyers and their associated personnel.

This Legal Privacy Policy is based on the privacy and data protection principles common to the countries in which we operate. We apply it in light of our overarching obligations to comply with law, to preserve client confidentiality and to represent our clients as effectively as possible within the bounds of the law. This Statement is intended to generally summarize our firm’s data protection practices. It serves to advise our clients, interested law students, job applicants, website visitors, and other third parties about the firm’s privacy policies that may be applicable to them.

Your privacy is important to us. This privacy policy is intended both to describe how our website may collect and use information from your Internet enabled device (i.e. your computer, tablet, smartphone or other device– and browsers or apps used to access the Internet), and describe about our privacy policy. Any personal information you provide including your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address will not be released, sold, or rented to any entities or individuals outside of Anthony J. Madonia & Associates, Ltd.

By using the Site, you consent to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of third parties that Anthony J. Madonia & Associates, Ltd. does not own, control, manage, or employ.

This Legal Privacy Notice was last updated on May 20, 2022.

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1900 East Golf Road, Suite 650,
Schaumburg, IL 60173
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