New Illinois Laws for 2024
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New Laws Hit the Books in Illinois
Over 300 new laws hit the books Jan. 1, 2024 in Illinois. Some of the most interesting ones include laws applying to book banning, fentanyl, carjacking, same-sex marriage, vapes, fertility and poking bears. Get a PDF of all the new laws here the full list. Contact us if you have questions.
Health Care
Over-the-Counter Fentanyl Test Strips Pharmacists and retailers will be able to sell over-the-counter fentanyl strips to consumers to test for the presence of fentanyl, fentanyl analogue or a drug adulterant within a controlled substance from the comfort of their office or home. (HB 3203)
Paid Leave For Giving Life Employees of any local government entity, board of election commissioners or any private employer in Illinois with 51 or more employees will receive up to 10 days of paid leave in any 12-month period to serve as an organ donor. (HB 3516)
Fertility Fraudsters Patients who receive a health provider’s own human reproduction material without the patient’s informed written consent for assisted reproductive treatment now have civil cause of action to sue fertility fraudsters. (SB 380)
‘Don’t Vape Them If You Have Them’ Prohibits the use of electronic cigarettes in public places and within 15 feet of entrances.
Public Safety
Cost of Living Increases For CPD Retirees The law removes the birthdate requirement that was previously in place (born before Jan. 1, 1966) for Tier 1 retirees to be eligible for an annual 3 percent cost-of-living adjustment. The law also ensures that police officers born after Jan. 1, 1966, who received a retroactive increase of 1.5 percent in any year, will receive a proportional increase for that year so that the total increase is equal to 3 percent for each year. (SB 1956)
No More Probable Cause Vehicles can no longer be stopped or searched solely on the basis of any objects placed or suspended between the driver and the front windshield that may obstruct the driver’s view, such as fuzzy dice, beads, cameras or other electronic sensors. (HB 2389)
Ripping Off Grandma and Grandpa Stiffens penalties for any person who financially exploits an elderly person or a person with disability who are found guilty of a Class 1 felony if the elderly person is 70 years of age or older (instead of “over 70 years of age”) and the value of the property is $15,000 or more. (HB 2100).
Replacing SNAP Benefits Requires the Department of Human Services to replace SNAP benefits that were stolen from a recipient’s EBT card by means of card skimming, card cloning or some other similar fraudulent method. (HB 2214)
Survivors of Violent Crime Victims Employees whose family or household member was killed in a crime of violence are entitled to two weeks of unpaid leave. (HB 2493)
COVID-19 Relief Fraud Prosecution for fraud relating to COVID-19 relief may commence within five years following the discovery by a mandatory reporter with a legal duty to report the activity or when an officer becomes aware of the fraudulent offense. (HB 3304)
Carjacking Hotline Requires Illinois car manufacturers to establish a vehicle theft hotline to facilitate the location of stolen vehicles via their existing global positioning systems. (HB 2245)
Protection for Same-sex Marriages Protects same-sex marriage in Illinois by repealing certain provisions of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution Act, including recognizing those marriages if they are void in other states and dropping the requirement where out-of-state persons seeking to get married in Illinois need a signature from their respective states. (HB 2500)
Dangers of Fentanyl High schools are now required to teach students about the dangers of fentanyl in all state-required health courses. (HB 3924)
Fast Entry For Law Enforcement Ensures that all school buildings’ emergency and crisis response plan, protocol and procedures includes a plan for local law enforcement to rapidly enter the school building in the event of an emergency. (HB 3559)
Pets for Vets Adoption fees are waived for military veterans seeking to adopt a pet from animal shelters and animal control facilities. (HB 2500)
Don’t Poke The Bear A person who intentionally bothers a bear or a nonhuman primate will be charged with a Class B misdemeanor, except for those exempt under the law such as a forest ranger, conservation officer or other qualified professional. (SB 1883)
And a few more laws…
Turning Off The Juice Utility companies are prohibited from discontinuing gas or electric services for residential users due to nonpayment of bills on days when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees or there is a heat watch, advisory or warning. (SB 1541)
‘I’m With The Banned’ Prohibits state-funded libraries from banning or removing materials due to religious or partisan disapproval. (HB 2789)
MENA Counts Adds people who are Middle Eastern or North African to the uniform list of racial classifications used by state agencies to compile statistical data. (HB 3768)
Roadside Shrines Provides that a DUI memorial marker or other fatal crash memorial marker shall be maintained for at least four years. (SB 1212)