Last month we celebrated 22 years of providing legal counsel to privately-held businesses and the families they support. This month we celebrate another milestone – We’re moving!
While moving means change, not to mention a lot of work, we are excited about being closer to our clients and the hub of manufacturing and distribution in Chicagoland. We are also excited for less gridlock and better parking. We also took our own advice and poured over our lease. We hope you find the article (below) about signing commercial leases of value.
As with all moves, we are waiting for final build-out and inspections. Fingers crossed that the trades, weather and timing work in our favor. We’ll be in touch as soon as it is official.
In the meantime, let us know if we can be of service to your firm or your family, especially with leases.
Anthony J. Madonia & Associates, Ltd. is on the move this Fall. Our main office will be relocating near O’Hare, so that we will be more accessible to our clients. We will also have a satellite office in downtown Chicago. Details will follow as we get closer to our move.
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (“WOTC”) is a federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups. [more]
Once owners see that the two processes share the same goals, they can appreciate how to leverage the time and money they spend developing their Exit Plans into the design of their estate plans. [more]
Businesses need support and advice. They especially need support in times of exponential growth, during economic challenges, and in transition.
Anthony J. Madonia and Associates, Ltd. is a premier law firm located in vibrant downtown Chicago that focuses on Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions, Taxation and Estate Planning.