
Happy Summer! As our business climate gets stronger, pre-planning for transactions and events is critical. We suggest that our clients conduct a business analysis at least twice each year to maximize their investments and minimize their tax exposure. Planning ahead is far easier than scrambling behind.

In this issue…

Avoid the Emotional Deal Breaker. Emotions can play a big part in making or breaking a transaction. Being aware of how we personalize a transaction can go a long way in making it happen.

Part Four…Advance Planning When Opening a New Business.

Tony Madonia is hosting a Workshop on PreTransaction Legal/Tax Planning at the AM&AA (Alliance of Merger & Acquisition Advisors®) Summer Conference 2014. The conference is being held July 22 – 24, 2014 in Chicago. This year the focus is Evolve: Capturing Opportunities in Today’s Market. For more information or to register: Click Here.

Summer is always great time to kick back and look back on the progress of the year. Hope you enjoy the warmth of the season!

Avoid the Emotional Deal Breaker

What is an emotional deal breaker? It does not involve the purchase price, covenants or other traditional contract terms. However, it does impact many sale transactions. [read more]


Advance Planning Help a New Business Protect Assets for Several GenerationsStarting a new business is always an exciting landmark. The planning process is a good time to address a few key areas that can impact a successful business down the road. Careful consideration and well-informed decisions of these options can ensure that an investment is protected. With proper planning, a strong foundation can protect the business over many generations. The following are a couple of key points to consider. [read more]

Outside Perspective

Surprise Change to R&D Tax Credit Rules Is Big Help for Small Business. [read more]

Anthony J. Madonia & Associates, Ltd.

Businesses need support and advice. They especially need support in times of exponential growth, during economic challenges, and in transition.

Anthony J. Madonia and Associates, Ltd. is a premier law firm located in vibrant downtown Chicago that focuses on Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions, Taxation and Estate Planning.


Anthony J. Madonia & Associates, Ltd. | 312.578.9300 | info@madonia.com
233 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 6825 | Chicago, IL 60606