It's A Candy Corn-Ucopia!

A Candy-copia of a Candy Corn-ucopia... So get counting.

With over 6 pounds of candy corn and pumpkins, it's a total shot in the dark at how many pieces are in here. But we have counted and locked away the exact number, so a winner will be chosen! They will receive all the sugar filled goodness (whether they want it or not) as well as an Amazon Gift Card for $50!

Candy container holds 156 oz. and measures 8.46 inches wide on its base and 7.79 inches high.


One guess per person and closest to the exact without going over ( or exact guess ) wins!

Submit your best guess at

Submit Your Guess!

How many candy corn candies are in the container?

We will Post the Winner and the correct amount of tiny fall-colored triangles and their pumpkin counterparts on 10/20/23. That gives you time to enjoy the candy corn and ponder if candy corn is considered a vegetable before the influx of Halloween candy.